
• 5/5 Soothing Sundays: What I've learned •

Hi guys!

Today is the last Soothing Sundays post and I thought I’d reflect on the past month.

When I had the idea of having a soothing, relaxing, stress free January, it was right before Christmas and all the stress in the world was piling up. I was buried under a blanket and watched back-to-back episodes of various tv sitcoms. A lot has changed since then: I got out of my apartment and back home to my family for a while, I begun paying attention to what I ate and most importantly let go of all the obligations that didn’t feel like something I would want to pay time or effort to. It made a world of difference. 

However, it’s not always just what is going on on the surface level. It’s not always about the essays and exams that are getting frighteningly close or the work that is expecting a lot from you.  Sometimes we need to take a closer look at the choices we have made and whether they are making us happy. We need to let go of the ideas of who we think we want to be and try and find the things that we actually want. Is this really how I want to spend my days? Is this really who I want to be? Is this really the direction that I want to be heading in? It’s a scary and long process, but the first step into anything is always the hardest. 

I think we often forget that it’s never too late to start over or at least to make some changes in our lives. It’s not too late to change your studies or to drop out, it’s not too late to move abroad or to another city and it’s definitely not too late to start being who you’ve really always wanted to be or at least trying to figure it out. 

This might all sound way too easy and utopistic. But I’m here to tell you that it’s not. It’s incredibly hard, arduous and makes you wish that you’d never tried to get out of your bed in the first place, but with time it will all look so much different. Whatever it is, give it a year, a month or even a week and you’ll have a different perspective on it. In the mean while start finding the things that make you happy and glad to be alive on a smaller scale. Start finding the things that aren’t connected to your work or education and are in any way connected to yourself. Because as much as the society, our parents or our financial situations want to tell us otherwise, school is not your everything. There’s a whole world outside your campus that is waiting to be explored. 

This is what Soothing Sundays was all about. I wrote it in the hopes that it helped someone find some sort of peace or courage to pursue their passions. If not that, then at the very least I hope it gave someone some inspiration for a healthier life. 

Thank you for this wonderful month!

With love,


⎮ Soothing Sundays is a series of posts in which I go back to what is really important in a quest to find joy, serenity and a softer way of viewing the world. A new post will be up every Sunday in January. ⎮

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