
• 4/5 Soothing Sundays: "Dear self..." •

Dear self,

You’re a magnificent being built from light and stars and all the wonderful things that you could’ve ever dreamed of. I wanted to state that in case you had forgotten. 

There are so many things you would tell yourself if you were living in someone else’s body. You’d speak of their intelligence, their poise, their relentless efforts to make themselves good. You’d deliver it with a smile and maybe a few cupcakes. 

Because you deserve nothing less, I’m here to tell you a few things. The cupcakes are coming. 

There are a few things I would tell anyone. Firstly, if it doesn’t make you happy, find a way to change it. Whatever it is. Secondly, nobody is invincible, but everyone is a superhero. Things will happen, you will bend, but you can choose not to break. Thirdly, loving yourself is the most important thing in the whole wide world. Or at least in your whole wide world. 

But the most important thing I would tell anyone is that time passes. Everything changes and it’s so easy to get lost in the illusion of time. To be overwhelmed by time passing or it standing still. But none of it matters. Because, as cliche as it is, all you really have is this moment, right here. I’m starting to believe that money is not necessarily meant to be hoarded, nor are people or possessions. I’m starting to believe that if it adds value to your life, buy it. If it makes you feel anything short of happy, let it go. That goes for people, clothes and ideas. There is no need to be around something you detest. There is no reason to force yourself to love something that you know you never will.

My darling, life is a process. Rarely anything you choose comes easy. Decisions become more difficult the more you obsess over them and the threshold to do anything grows higher the longer you wait. It’s okay to choose wrong, to take a wrong turn every now and again, because where ever you are, whom ever you are with, there’s always a lesson in everything. You can always go back to safety, but you can’t live your life afraid of everything. 

Like so many people on the internet have already wisely stated: if you’re not completely obsessed with your life, change it. 

With love,


⎮ Soothing Sundays is a series of posts in which I go back to what is really important in a quest to find joy, serenity and a softer way of viewing the world. A new post will be up every Sunday in January. ⎮

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